Friday, June 26, 2009

Dragonfly 2009

We had another dragon fly sighting in the back yard.
(Click on image for larger view.)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

first tomatoes in early June

first grasshoppers in mid June

Our yard from 1.22.08 to 6.25.09

(Click on images to enlarge.)
above: 1.22.08
right top: 4.20.09
right bottom: 6.25.09

leafy plants and bushes

left image: Red Mill aka Pieris Japonica, Pink Delight Butterfly bush aka Buddleia davidii, hosta plants, Wild Ginger aka Asarum canadense

right image: my great-grandmother's rhubarb aka Rheum rhabarbarum and our cat Clementine (lynx point siamese)

I layer newspaper to retard weed growth and mulch to retain moisture.

We have no grass as it requires maintenance. We do very little weeding ad watering.

Spring flowers

above left: Salvia nemoroso aka Caradonna
above right:
right: Siberian Iris
(Click on images for larger view)

Monday, June 22, 2009

May Plants

Left: hostas, tomatoes, thyme, pepper, hot and sweet, eggplants, basil, Gohan the cat.

Right: Eastern Redbud tree aka Boton Rojo del Oriente, wild geraniums, ferns, Siberian Iris, Poppy's.